Category: Screening

  • Screening in Holland

    Worldstar at the Noordelijk Film Festival. 6 november 2008, 23:30 uur – Noordelijk Film Festival, Nivo Noord zaal 3 8 november 2008, 21:00 uur – Noordelijk Film Festival, Filmhuis Leeuwarden Hope you enjoy!

  • November in Belgium: Filmer à tout prix

    In November you can see Worldstar in Brussels during the film festival Filmer à tout prix. Have fun.

  • Worldstar now in Portugal

    TEMPS D’IMAGES FILM AWARD FOR FILM ON ART: On Sunday the 16th of November at 6 p.m. in Lisboa, Museu Colecção Berardo and this is the portuges synopsis: Miroslav Tichy viveu como um eremita durante decénios numa pequena aldeia, cercado apenas por alguns amigos. Agora, na velhice, tem de enfrentar a celebridade. “Eles deviam ter vindo…

  • Next screening in Germany

    Jasedow, Klein Jasedower Filmtage, Sonntag, 14. 9. um 14:00 Filmfest Eberswalde, 8. 10., 20:00 mit dem Kurzfilm “Love is Hard as Walls” im Paul Wunderlich Haus, Eberswalde

  • Prochain projection en France

    Prochain projection en France à Lussas, France, Etats généraux du doc, samedi 23. août, 14.45, Salle 3

  • Akademie der Künste

    Berlin, Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, Clubraum at 19:00 Looking forward to meet you there.

  • Next festivals

    19th of April in Switzerland: Nyon, Visions du Réel at 11:00 19th of April in Czech Republic: Olomouc, AFO at 10:00 27th of April in Germany: Hamburg, Dokumentarfilmwoche at 16:00

  • Next Screenings

    14.3. Praha, Experimentální Prostor Roxy/NoD at 19:30 (Dlouhá třída 33) & 17.3. Düsseldorf, Black-Box Kino in the Filmmuseum (0221/89 92490) at 19:00 Hope to see you there!

  • Next screenings in Germany

    Köln, 9th January, at the Filmpalette at 20:00. Tel: 0221-122112 Hamburg, 24th of January, in the Metropolis Cinema at 19:00. Tel: 040-34 23 53

  • Giampaolo Paoli Award

    So, this time we were in Florence at the Festival dei Popoli, Sarah (editor) and me. What a fantastic city! And of course what sweet people! We really loved it. We were terribly proud when we learned that this is such an old festival: 49 years old! And only 12 films in competition. Wow. And…